✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids icon

✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids -----

Create custom items/armors/huds/guis/emojis/blocks/food/hats/ores/liquids/mobs with custom texture

2.4.22 - Custom armors! - BETA UPDATE

- added LightAPI compatibility 1.17.1, please delete LightAPI-Fork and install this: http://a.devs.beer/lightapi-new

config changes:
- renamed `minify-json` to `compress-json-files`

- added a new option to compress images `compress-png-files` in config.yml file. Example: default ItemsAdder images size 1,9 MB->1,0 MB
- added a custom textured armors (1.17+), check the wiki: https://itemsadder.devs.beer/plugin-usage/adding-content/advanced/custom-armors/texture-1.17
Example addons:

- fixed generation of block_states in some cases when the admin is using a customized note_block.json file
- fixed hex color placeholder not working anymore in lores and display names https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1299
- fixed "Cannot invoke "java.util.List.iterator()" because "<parameter2>" is null" https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1296
- fixed malformed YML files being wiped and replaced with default files https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1306
- now vanilla leather armors items texture won't be touched, restored to the original one
- fixed wrong name of property `overwrite-vanilla-lang-json` in config.yml
- fixed light not removed from item_frame furnitures when broken in creative mode https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1309
- fixed "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "dev.lone.itemsadder.Core.e.e.b(org.bukkit.block.Block)" because "<parameter1>" is null"
- fixed error thrown if a REAL_TRANSPARENT block was removed from config and still in world, now they will be ignored and won't spam the console
- fixed armors can be recolored using vanilla recipes and dyes
- fixed problems crafting shields and similar default recipes

- optimized fonti mages loading even more

other changes:
removed unused files from the online zip file, you can delete them from your pack.
- assets/minecraft/font/default.json
- all language files inside assets/minecraft/lang
- assets/minecraft/models/item/base/bow.json
- assets/minecraft/models/item/base/crossbow.json
- assets/minecraft/models/item/base/shield.json
- assets/itemsadder/textures/block/astral_chest.png
- assets/itemsadder/models/block/astral_chest.json
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_boots.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_boots_overlay.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_chestplate.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_chestplate_overlay.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_helmet.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_helmet_overlay.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_leggings.png
- assets/minecraft/textures/item/leather_leggings_overlay.png
----------, Nov 17, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,756
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
627 ratings
Find more info at itemsadder.devs.beer...
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Downloads: ------
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