✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids icon

✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids -----

Create custom items/armors/huds/guis/emojis/blocks/food/hats/ores/liquids/mobs with custom texture

PLEASE UPDATE TO 1.17.1 if you're using 1.17
PLEASE UPDATE ProtocolLib and LoneLibs
Also update LibsDisguises if you're using it.

- added new command /iacustommodeldata to get the CustomModelData of an item. Useful to show items on other plugins (for example on GUIs or holograms)

new config:
- added a new property to /ia menu categories. Now you can set a custom title inside the category, different from the name of the icon https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1012
- added new placeholder {target-player} for actions. Example: https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1031
- added BUNDLE _filled texture compatibility https://itemsadder.devs.beer/plugin-usage/adding-content/beginners/creating-a-custom-item/bundle
- added new property "remove-vanilla-recipes" in config.yml to delete vanilla recipes completely. This will allow you to make your own custom recipes if you want to rebalance the game.

- added 1.17.1 compatibility. Dropped 1.17 compatibility.
- fixed flight kick in some servers https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1007
- Other players hear the loud noise from totem animation https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1008
- hide_items in ia_gui.yml not working https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1010
- fixed some title messages not being shown on 1.17
- No field with type int exists in class PacketPlayOutEntityDestroy 1.17 https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1017
- Furnitures(entity: item_frame) can be duplicated with item_frame 1.16.5 https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1004
- NullPointerException thrown when using CustomFurnitureAPI https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1023
- grindstone not updating custom durability lore on custom item repair
- Swords keep extra damage when unenchanted https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1024
- the vehicles cannot be used https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1025
- fixed guns throwing errors when shooting on 1.17
- block fail to generate light when using RWG to generate https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1032
- fixed chair dismount inside the bottom block
- fixed itemframe chairs sit rotation https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/994
- should have fixed CustomCrafting compatibility
----------, Jul 13, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,756
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
627 ratings
Find more info at itemsadder.devs.beer...
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