✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids icon

✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids -----

Create custom items/armors/huds/guis/emojis/blocks/food/hats/ores/liquids/mobs with custom texture


config changes:
- please delete vehicles.yml file to add vehicles smoke effect
- changed coal_nugget material to COAL and set custom burn time to 100 (using the new fuel behaviour)

- added all the new features to the autocomplete https://ide.plugin.ga/itemsadder/
- added the missing "animation" properties for mob behaviour
- added the missing "replace_mobs_spawn" properties for mob behaviour

- new vehicles smoke attribute, check the wiki https://itemsadder.plugin.ga/plugin-usage/adding-content/advanced/item-properties/behaviours
- new action: damage_entity. Useful to create customa arrows, more info: https://itemsadder.plugin.ga/plugin...eating-a-custom-item/magic-wand/custom-arrows
- hex colors compatibility, for example: %#FE5A00%
- added \n compatibility on lang file (kick messages and similar)
- added nbt match rule also in blocks loots. With this feature you can specify drops from spawner blocks of a particular mob type: https://itemsadder.plugin.ga/plugin-usage/adding-content/advanced/loots#drop-based-on-spawner-entity
- now /iablock command will also print block NBT data, this is useful to make NBT rules using the new feature (read the previous note ^^^^)
- new attribute "biomes" to the replace_mobs_spawn attribute of mob behaviour. This allows you to decide if a custom mob can spawn only in some biomes
- new event item_break which is called when item has 0 durability
- new worldedit flags: ia-vehicle-place, ia-vehicle-remove, ia-vehicle-personal-remove
- new sound attribute added to furniture and to vehicles behaviour, just like the block sounds (specific_properties). Use the IDE to autocomplete.
- added option to allow worlds_populators to be enabled on multiple worlds automatically. For example "custom_world_*" will enable the populator on each world which name starts with "custom_world_". If you set it to "*" it will work on EVERY world. https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/783

- fixed TNTPrime event error
- fixed NullPointerException in BlockPhysicsEvent if a custom block is removed from configs
- now error about loading fixed_glitched_blocks.nbt is sent also on chunk load to all the OP players and on console
- fixed bows dupe https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/789
- fixed player rotation on vehicles with custom seat height not being synced https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/795
- optimized vehicles code
- fixed player eject when flying with vehicle with fuel level 0
- fixed custom blocks replacing some "incomplete" blocks https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/792
- unheld event not called when item breaks (durability 0)
- now arm animation is played when placing a custom furniture or vehicle
----------, Apr 1, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,756
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
627 ratings
Find more info at itemsadder.devs.beer...
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