- Replaced message 3 with "There is a new voting for §e[TIME]§6 time, vote with §e/tv yes§6 or §e/tv no§6.".
- Replaced message 4 with "The voting is disabled in this world.".
+ Added an update message on server join.
+ Added message 14 "The voting for §e[TIME]§6 time is over in §e[SECONDS]§6 seconds.".
+ Added message 15 "You have to whait a bit, until you can start a new voting.".
+ Added message 16 "There is a new update available for this plugin. §e( )§6".
+ Added a Config.yml file.
+ Aded DayTime option to set the day time in ticks.
+ Added NightTime option to set the night time in ticks.
+ Added VotingTime option to set the voting time.
+ Added RemindingTime option to send the players a reminding message after specific time.
+ Added TimeoutPeriod option to reduce voting spam.
+ Added DisabledWorld to disable the voting in some worlds.