If you are getting any problems with the new version, message me. ( @F_o_F_1092 ) ​
This update contains many performance optimizations, bug fixes and other small changes.
+ Support for Spigot 1.7
+ The config option "ShowOnlyToPlayersWithPermission" to hide the voting if a player doesn't have the permission to vote (TimeVote.Vote). (
@Celebrimbor )
+ The config option "RefundVotingPriceIfVotingFails" to refund the payed ammount if the player lost a voting.
+ An option to set the Plugin-Server-Version (Useful if the Plugin fails to get the right version) ("GameVersion.SetOwn" and "GameVersion.Version").
+ An option to disable the colored Console-Plugin-Messages.
+ Added the "[PLAYER]" tag to Message.3 from the Messages.yml
+ Added the "[SECONDS]" tag to Message.15 from the Messages.yml (
@KingVocalWolf )
+ The Bossbar support for all Spigot Versions (1.7 - 1.12) (1.7 - 1.8 still depends on BossBarAPI)
+ The Title support for all Spigot Versions (1.7 - 1.12) (1.7 - 1.8 still depends on TitleAPI)
+ Dropped the update support for Plugins with a lower version than 1.0
+ The Config.yml option "UseTitleAPI" to "UseTitle".
+ The Config.yml option "UseBossBarAPI" to "UseBossBar".
+ The Messages.yml message "BossBarAPIMessage" to "BossBarMessage".
+ The Messages.yml message "TitleAPIMessage.Title.1" to "TitleMessage.Title.1".
+ The Messages.yml message "TitleAPIMessage.Title.2" to "TitleMessage.Title.2".
+ The Messages.yml message "TitleAPIMessage.Title.3" to "TitleMessage.Title.3".
+ The Messages.yml message "TitleAPIMessage.Title.4" to "TitleMessage.Title.4".
+ The Messages.yml message "TitleAPIMessage.SubTitle" to "TitleMessage.SubTitle".
+ The Update-Check System to the new Spigot update System.
+ The Update-Check System to the new Spigot Update-Check System.