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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

Optimised ColorUtils, Removed methods scheduler for removal
Bukkit side:
Fixed AnvilGUIs (Finally completely supported)
+ Fixed HeadDatabase support in the ItemMaker class
+ Fixed rainbow on servers under version (&u) 1.15-
+ Push release to 2.3
- Removed Tablist Api

Supported platforms side:
Our own Json reader & writer is used defaulty (on first startup)

Shared side:
Added new hex-mode option to the tags.yml config:
* 1 = #rrggbb or &#rrggbb
* 2 = <#rrggbb>
+ Remasted ColorUtils:
* Added new interfaces to the class ColorUtils:
* GradientFinder
* ClassConstructor
* Added new classes for finders of gradients
* ArrowsFinder
* ArrowsWithExclamationFinder
* ClassicArrowsFinder
* ExclamationFinder
* ExclamationArrowsFinder
* RegexFinder (deprecated)
* Added new method registerColorTag(String tag, String hex)
* Removed fields rainbowSplit, gradientFinder and colorMap
* Added new methods to ColormaticFactory class:
* StringContainer replaceHex(StringContainer text)
* StringContainer gradient(StringContainer container, int start, int end, String firstHex, String secondHex, List<String> protectedStrings)
* StringContainer rainbow(StringContainer container, int start, int end, String firstHex, String secondHex, List<String> protectedStrings) * Added new methods to the ColorUtils class:
* StringContainer gradient(StringContainer container, List<String> protectedStrings)
* StringContainer strip(StringContainer container)s
* StringContainer colorize(StringContainer container, List<String> protectedStrings)
* List<StringContainer> colorizeCont(List<StringContainer> list)
* List<StringContainer> colorizeCont(List<StringContainer> list, List<String> protectedStrings)
+ Added comments to the DataLoader & MergeSettings classes
+ Added new annotations classes:
* Comment
* Nonnull (Also see Checkers)
* Nullable
+ Improved performance of YAML Reader & Writer
----------, Jan 18, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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