+ Fixed ActionBar for 1.8.X version
+ Fixed BossBar for 1.7.10 - 1.8.9
+ Improved speed of getting block IBlockData if you have installed latest PaperSpigot 1.19.2 with Chunk system rework
+ Loading .java files into memory - MemoryCompiler class
+ Reducing the size of the jar
+ Automatic downloading & updating of NmsProvider from git if possible (if release version allows it)
+ Possibility to edit NmsProvider by the user (It is such a + and - at the same time) - Only if JDK Java is installed
+ Fixed Anvils
+ Fixed ItemMaker - Adding null enchantments
+ Fixed colors in the IChatBaseComponents on 1.16 and lower
+ Added new EnchantmentAPI
+ Added new method to the NmsProvider;
* packetBlockChange(World world, Position position, Object iblockdata, int data)
+ Added new method to the ItemMaker:
* ItemMaker#of(XMaterial)
+ Added HeadDatabase for ItemMaker
+ Added ItemMaker#ofHead()#skinHDB(String id) method
+ Loading libraries from TheAPI/libraries folder instantly with server
+ Fixed GUI#setTitle (Thanks to
@petulikan1 for report)
+ Fixed gui inventory flickering when opening another gui or changing title