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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

1.19.1/2 compatibility, Fixed Sockets API bugs, Added new methods to the Data class
+ Added check if ItemFlag exists to the ItemMaker#build() method
+ Added getters of fields to the ItemMaker class
+ Fixed 1.19 NmsProvider - playOutChat method
+ Fixed Sockets API limits (missing in fastConnection mode)
+ Fixed saving item to the config (modelData)
+ Fixed loading item from the config (modelData in NBT)
+ Fixed StringIndexOutOfBoundsException errors - StringUtils#timeToString method
+ Added StringContainer (Veeeery similiar to StringBuilder, but without checkers)
+ Improved speed of saving YAML files (Thx to StringContainer)
+ Added char[] Data#toString(DataType type, boolean markSaved) method
+ Added missing close method after reading InputStream - StreamUtils
+ Fixed converting of HEX colors with uppercase letters (#6EFFFF)
+ Added boolean Config#isAutoUpdating() method
+ Added Config Config#setAutoUpdating(long checkEveryMcTick) method
+ Fixed StringUtils#colorize(List<String>/String text, List<String> ignoredStrings) method (When String to protect is long as text length, gradient colors are reset to zeros (#000000))
+ Added StringUtils#colorize(String text, List<String> ignoredStrings) method
+ Added StringUtils#colorize(List<String> texts, List<String> ignoredStrings) method
+ Fixed other sockets api problems & improved limits
+ Fixed PlaceholderAPI class (Replacing multiple placeholders)
+ Fixed Version VersionUtils#getVersion(String version, String compareVersion) method
+ Added double VersionUtils#convertToDouble(String version) method
+ Fixed CommandStructure - fallbacks
+ Fixed some 1.19 compatibility problems (NmsProvider)
+ Fixed null pointers (1.19 packets - Teams)
+ Added CommandTabExecutor to the all sub CommandStructures (Argument, Callable & Selector) to make own tab completer:
* argument(String argument, CommandExecutor<S> ex, CommandTabExecutor<S> tab, String... aliases)
* argument(String argument, int length, CommandExecutor<S> ex, CommandTabExecutor<S> tab, String... aliases)
+ Fixed tab completer
+ Fixed 1.19.1 compatibility (1.19.2 requires testing)
----------, Aug 26, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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