- Dropped support for Mohist 1.16.5
+ Fixed found bugs on 1.19:
* Title in GUI is without colors
* Colors in the IChatBaseComponents are not "working"
+ Fixed global bugs:
* StringUtils#colorize do not colorize formats in gradients & rainbow formats
* StringUtils#gradient with format doubled & symbol
* PlaceholderAPI bridge is now fully working ( Example usage via PAPI: %theapi_myTaPlaceholder% )
* Fixed ScoreboardAPI#addLine method (infinity loop which cause server crash..) (Reported by
+ More work around sockets:
* Added methods to easier connection of client to server & startig socket server (Visit SocketServer & SocketClient classes)
* Fixed random errors when disconnect
* Fixed sending & receiving of files
* Whole API part optimized
* Renamed some events & added more events
* Fixed reconnecting
* Improved security of receiving files via Sockets API - If file exists, do not delete file, create new file with "-copy" suffix