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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

1.19 Support, Fixed bugs, Small optimilization
+ Fixed default "gui" when gui is closed (1.18.2)
+ Added NmsProvider for 1.19 (support)
+ Remasted whole Sockets API (Improved performance, new methods, removed unused methods)
+ Added new methods to the ByteLoader class:
- public void load(byte[] bytes)
- public static ByteLoader fromBytes(byte[] bytes)
+ Added new method to the Config class:
- public byte[] toByteArray()
+ Added new events for Sockets API:
- ServerClientConnectEvent - When socket is trying to connect to the socket server
- ServerClientConnectRespondeEvent - Responde of socket connection (Visit SocketServer class for respondes)
- Renamed ClientReceiveMessageEvent to ServerReceiveDataEvent
+ Fixed errors when trying save custom model of item via ItemMaker#saveToConfig method
+ Added nbt field to the ItemMaker load & save methods
❓ Changed return value of Config#get<String/Integer/Double...>List() methods;
If value in the section is null or list is empty, returns Collections#emptyList() instead of new ArrayList<>()
+ Fixed primitives in the Json reader & writer
+ Removed duplicate
+ Added new methods to the Config class:
- getInt(String path, int defaultValue)
- getShort(String path, short defaultValue)
- getByte(String path, byte defaultValue)
- getDouble(String path, double defaultValue)
- getLong(String path, long defaultValue)
- getString(String path, String defaultValue)
- getList(String path, Collection<Object> defaultValue)
- get(String path, Object defaultValue)
+ Added new super duper useful methods to the ItemMaker class: (Bukkit side) Working for Heads, Books, Enchanted books, Potions and Banners!
- static void saveToConfig(Config config, String path, ItemStack stack) - Save ItemStack to the Config on specified path
- static ItemStack loadFromConfig(Config config, String path) - Load ItemStack from the Config from specified path
+ Renamed path to TheAPI configurations for server types which aren't bukkit, bungeecord and velocity
+ Added new method to the StringUtils class:
- String timeToString(long period, String split, TimeFormat... disabledFormats)
- Removed some unused methods from the StringUtils class:
- String setTimeToString
- long getTimeFromString
❓ Renamed TheAPI configurations to lowercase (Config.yml -> config.yml, Tags.yml -> tags.yml)
❓ Renamed paths in the TheAPI configurations (Options.TimeConvertor... -> timeConvertor..., Tags... -> tags...)
+ Working on TheAPI Demo part (More on our github) - Demo isn't included in jar and never be.
----------, Jun 8, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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