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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

Dropping support for versions minimally used in the community
+ Fixed StringUtils#formatDouble method
+ Reduced duplicated code (Codacy)
+ Formatted code
+ Added new TeamUtils class (Just utils for NMS stuff)
- Removed NmsProviders of unlisted versions. (Discord voting)
+ Clean up & format code
+ Fixed GUI title
+ Added new VoidGeneratorHelper class which provide ChunkGenerator get() method to get correct void generator for your server version
+ Remasted config comments system (affect only for YAML & PROPERTIES files) - (Request from @petulikan1)
- Comments before sections
- Comment after value (not working for list)
+ Fixed Config#merge method - (Reported by @petulikan1)
+ DataLoader#get() now returns Map<String, DataValue> instead of `Map<String, Object[]>
+ DataLoader#remove(String key) now returns boolean if value is removed (modified map)
+ Config is now preventing from unused marking as modified - no more unused savings
+ Added new static methods to load Config:
- loadFromInput(InputStream input, String outputFile)
- loadFromInput(InputStream input, File outputFile)
- loadFromPlugin(Class<?> mainClass, String pathToFile, File outputFile)
- loadFromPlugin(Class<?> mainClass, String pathToFile, String outputFile)
- loadFromFile(File file)
- loadFromFile(String filePath)
- loadFromString(String input)
+ Fixed ComponentTransformers (bungee & adventure)
+ New CompomentTransformer api - Make your own transformer!
+ New ItemMaker class with clickable pages in the books! (1.12+ only)
+ Rework of Event listener - ⚙『examples』
+ Renamed methods in the PacketListener class:
- playOut(String player, Object packet, Object channel)
- playIn(String player, Object packet, Object channel)
+ Added XMaterial class from XSeries
----------, May 28, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings