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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

v 7.0!!
+ Brand new JsonReader & JsonWriter classes
- Removed JsonReader and JsonWriter classes
- Removed Reader and Writer classes
+ Added JReader & JWriter interfaces for JsonWriter and JsonReader
+ Added LegacyJsonReader & Writer for 1.7.10 and older​
+ Rework of RankingAPI & SortedMap (Improved, new methods, removed old methods)
+ Improved ChatMessage class (performance and bug fix)
+ Added new placeholders:
Code (Text):
%theapi_user:PATH% (%theapi_user:Money.Default%)
%theapi_user_other:USER:PATH% (%theapi_user_other:StraikerinaCZ:Money.Default%)
%fromTime{STRING}% converts formatted time into numbers (Ex. 54300)
%toTime{LONG}% converts numbers into formatted time (Ex. 5h4m)
+ Improved performance of VersionChecker#getVersion(String currentVersion, String version) method
+ Improved performance of saving and reading YAML files
+ New return of method Data#getDataName for classes:
• User
• MultiMap
• SortedMultiMap
• DataLoader
+ New methods of SQLAPI class:
• List<Object> getTop(String table, String orderBy, String column, String identifier, int limit)
• List<Object> getTop(String table, String orderBy, String column, int limit)
+ Added to the Tags.yml configuration option to set custom suffix for gradient -> {#HEX>TEXT<#HEX}
+ Tasker's method cancel to cancel RUNNING task no longer kills whole task (now Tasker wait until task finish)

- Removed unused EntityCreatorAPI
+ Fixed creating of heads via ItemCreatorAPI (From url, values and name)
+ Fixed AnvilGUI for 1.17+
----------, Oct 23, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings