+ Added prevention to beware of loading multiple times same user data
+ Fixed NMSAPI#getPacketPlayOutEntityDestroy(int... ids) method for 1.17+
+ Fixed world spawn location of Void worlds
+ Optimized PlayerQuitEvent
+ Fixed tab-completer errors of command /TheAPI PluginManager Load [here]
+ Fixed some User data problems
+ Fixed bugs & errors
+ TheAPI is now starting on "startup"
+ Added custom world generator option
Code (YAML):
Or in the `
Config.yml` in the `
TheAPI` folder:
Code (YAML):
+ Fixed method Ref#channel(NetworkManager)
+ Fixed registering of PacketListener on server reload - 1.17+
+ Cleared code - PacketHandler_New & Old
+ Fixed compatibility with FastLogin plugin (
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/14153/) - PacketListener
+ Fixed reflections on 1.17+
- Removed SlowLoop class
+ Fixed some bugs in Position & HoverMessage
+ Fixed ServerListPingEvent for modded servers
+ Improved registering of PacketListeners & calling PacketListener methods PacketPlayOut and PacketPlayIn
+ Improved registering of Event Listeners
+ Added new constructor of User class:
* User(Query)
+ Improved performance of methods in Ref class:
* playerCon(Object entityPlayer)
* network(Object playerCon)
* channel(Object network)
+ New methods in Cache class:
* Query lookupQuery(String name)
* Query lookupQuery(UUID uuid)
+ Optimized searching name & uuid via Cache class
+ Added new methods to the TheAPI class:
* User getUser(Query)
* Cache getCache()
+ Added new method to the Animation class
* void next() - Because method String get() no longer push animation
+ Optimized methods of Position class:
* Position fromString(String)
* String toString()
+ Fixed compatibility with modded 1.7.10 servers (PacketListener) - Special thanks to @Gokan for report!
+ Fix StringUtils#colorize method
+ Optimized StringUtils#colorize method (Bukkit is slow for coloring..)
+ Added new method SQLAPI#createTable(String table, String values)
+ Fixed JSON IChatBaseCompontn for 1.17+
+ Fixed NMSAPI#getPacketPlayOutChat for 1.17+
+ Fixed writing of Strings to the YAML file (Data class)
+ HOTFIX - Fixed GUI clickEvent cancel
+ HOTFIX - Fixed reading of Byte data