Fixed bugs & Option to disable ServerListPingEvent
+ Improved Saving, Getting, Finding... and other methods in the Data class
+ Fixed Data#save for DataTypes: JSON, BYTE
+ Fixed multiple saving of schematic
+ Fixed PunishmentAPI#tempJail
+ Optimized TheAPI Schematics - 50% faster!
+ Fixed ScoreboardAPI - 15 lines & destroying SB
+ Fixed MultiMap#toString method
+ Fixed ParticleAPI for 1.13.X
+ Added new method Particle#isValid
+ Added new methods Position#setAir and Position#setAirAndUpdate
+ Fixed TheAPI command:
* TabCompleter
* Mw Teleport
+ Fixed opening of GUIs on Spigot Forge servers
+ Fixed support for Spigot Forge servers
+ Added new method to AnvilGUI & GUI: onPreClose(Player)
+ Fixed item pickup when Shift + Right Click on item that close GUI
+ Fixed errors in console on close GUI
+ Fixed CooldownAPI