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TheAPI -----

[Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity] Complex API library to make plugin development easier & faster!

Fixed bugs & Optimized
+ Improved security of Map<String, Object[]> when saving Data to File/String - We copy this map and then we save it
+ Fixed bugs
+ No longer hiding PacketListener errors
+ Fixed GUI bugs & problems
+ Fixed Data#remove method (Sometimes removes whole config)
+ Fixed some server freeze bugs in other loaders of configs (ByteLoader, JsonLoader...)
+ Added locker for saving of config to the file (To prevent of 2x saving at same time same config)
+ Fixed GUI for 1.15.2 and older
+ Improved performance of set, remove and save methods in the Data class
+ The methods in the Data class are now synchronized
+ Fixed problems with JSON (Saving json text to yaml file)
+ Fixed Data#merge method (Comments)
+ Improved getString method of Data class (-> Config & Section classes, now return same value as is in config file/string content, not converted value)
+ Added new methods to the SignAPI class:
* getLines(Position)
* setLines(Position, String...)
- Changed methods constructors in the SignAPI class:
* From setActions(Sign sign, Map<SignAction, List<String>> options) to setActions(Position posOfsign, Map<SignAction, List<String>> options)
* From getSignActions(Sign sign) to getSignActions(Position posOfsign)
+ New methods in the NMSAPI class:
* getFixedIChatBaseComponent(String text)
* fromComponent(Object component)
+ Fixed StringUtils#fixedSplit method
+ Improved performance of StringUtils#colorize(String) method (&u)
+ Improved performance for other methods/apis using CraftBukkit's CraftMessage class (-> ChatMessage class)
+ Fixed bug with sharing hoverEvent, clickEvent and insertion in JSON text
+ Improved performance of gradient
+ Fully random selection of gradient format of &u rainbow for 1.16+
+ Fixed ChatMessage (colors)
+ Improved performance of getLastColors method
+ Improved gradient (no longer coloring spaces and adding color to the end of string - unused)
+ Fixed bugs in the /theapi info - server version (null text)
+ Added new methods to the Config class:
* loadConfig(Plugin plugin, String configPath, String outputConfigFile)
* loadConfig(Plugin plugin, String configPath, String outputConfigFile, DataType type)
+ Improved loading of custom configs via TheAPI typed in plugin.yml
+ Fixed opening of GUI on 1.8.x (Bug reported by @XglockManLP)
+ Fixed TabList Header & Footer on 1.8.X (Bug reported by @XglockManLP)
+ Improved clearing cache of opened GUI on close (client-side close)
+ Fixed bugs in GUIs
+ Improved performance of setTitle method of GUIs
+ Fixed a bug that caused wheel (MIDDLE) click actions to never be invoked (GUI)
+ Fixed bug when arrested player can process commands
+ Mute is no longer canceling PlayerChatEvent event, but hides message to other players (Request from Semtexka)
+ New StringUtils#fixedFormatDouble(double) method (Format double to String correctly:
* 20.00 -> 20
* 20.10 -> 20.1
* 20.0 -> 20
* 20.0001549898 -> 20
+ Fixed HoverMessage#setColor(ChatColor) method
+ New formating of double values
+ Added ResourcePackAPI (Request from @KingKilo) - 1.8+ only
+ Added Auto-save of Users data (Every 5min)
- Renamed package thapiutils to theapiutils
+ Methods TheAPI#sudoConsole & TheAPI#sudo now runs method TheAPI#dispatchCommandAsync
+ Added new dispatchCommandAsync(CommandSender sender, String cmdLine) method to the TheAPI class (Method is ignoring AsyncCatcher of Spigot)
+ Removed unused checker for nulled header or footer in TabListAPI
+ Fixed errors in ChatMessage class
- Removed ChatMessage#fixMap method (Causes errors)
+ Added new SpigotUpdateChecker class (constructor: new SpigotUpdateChecker(String version, int spigotId)
+ Added new VersionChecker class with methods:
* Version getVersion(String currentVersion, String checkVersion)
----------, Apr 6, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,339
First Release: Nov 11, 2019
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings