+ Added Metrics
+ New ChatMessage class
+ Improved registering of custom events via TheAPI
+ Fixed bug in HoverMessage class with "uknown" color
+ Added new StringUtils#getLastColors(String) method (With HEX support)
+ Improved GUIs click handler
+ Added new AnvilGUI gui type (Constructor: AnvilGUI(String title, Player... player)
+ Changed return of GUI#getPlayers method from List<Player> to the Collection<Player>
+ New method GUI#getContainer, returns opened Container of player (NMS part)
+ New look like of TheAPI Info command (Removed Worlds & Players)
+ Fixed HoverMessage#setClickEvent method
+ Fixed errors on startup
+ Fixed TheAPI#getUser method for servers with online-mode
+ Fully async GUIs
- Changed GUI#onClick(Player, GUI, org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType method values to the GUI#onClick(Player, GUI, me.devtec.theapi.guiapi.GUI.ClickType)