+ Fixed error on Yatopia Asynchronous notify call
+ Added new methods to the BlocksAPI getState(Position, String name), setState(Position, String name, Comparable value) and findState(Position, String name) - Fully async!
+ Method StringUtils#timeToString(long) now returns all time units (Ex. DayHourMinuteSecond -> 1d2h15m25s)
+ Added Schematic#data method, returns SchematicData
+ Fixed removing & adding TileEntities to the world (Position.class)
+ Rebuild async part of TheAPI (BlocksAPI - Position.class) - Fixed problem with connection to the server "Failed to verify username"
+ Fixed warning in console when registering placeholder/s
+ Fixed WorldSchematic & VirtualSchematic
- Removed unused BlockSave classes & load(Position,BlockSave), getBlockSave(Position) methods from BlocksAPI
- New format of saving & loading BYTE data of Files