+ Added VirtualSchematic (Working as worldedit "copy" command)
+ Renamed AsyncSchematic class to WorldSchematic (Working as worldedit normal schematic file)
+ Fixed errors on executing TheAPI commands on Paper 1.8.8
+ Fixed tab-complete of plugins to load for TheAPI Pm Load command
+ New methods in PluginManagerAPI
+ Fixed PluginManagerAPI bugs TheAPI Pm ReloadAll now reload TheAPI too!
+ To the CooldownAPI class added new constructor new CooldownAPI(Player)
+ Fixed Animation class
+ Fixed Position & TheMaterial classes (Getting of Material Type & Data is now correct)
+ Fixed loading of comments of YAML files
~ Data#merge method newly return boolean (If the return is true, it means that something has been added to the Data)
- Removed old Schemate and Schema classes
- Removed some weird named methods from PluginManagerAPI