+ BossBars for
1.8.8 and older + New static
methods in
ItemCreatorAPI +Fixed TabCompleter for
/TheAPI command
+Added ThePlaceholderAPI (With basic placeholders like %math{5-7*9}%, %player%, %server_time%..)
+ Added new
methods to
RankingAPI & Changed
Double to BigDecimal +Removed unused
methods from
CooldownAPI +Added to
TheAPI class method
getCooldownAPI(Player) + Fixed bugs in ScoreboardAPI
+Fixed errors in
/TheAPI test GUICreatorAPI (For server versions
1.12.2 and older)
+ Added more
options to
ScoreboardAPI (Use teams or default offline players or packets for more chars on one line, but can sometimes flash) ->
TheAPI.getScoreboardAPI(Player, Packets, Teams) + Fixed some bugs and errors
+ Fixed player
kick (Caused by PacketListener)
+Added PacketListener class to hook listening of packets
+ Added simple "plugman" to TheAPI command ( /
TheAPI PluginManger Load/Unload/Enable... <plugin> )
- Removed PacketReceiveEvent and
PacketReadEvent events
- From
TheAPI class
removed getGUICreatorAPI(player) (Now you must create GUI manually:
new GUICreatorAPI(Title, Size, Players...))
~ Rewrited & New
methods in
GUICreatorAPI ~Rewrited MultiMap