Fixed bugs, New APIs, Removed some APIs, Rewrited some APIs (New methods & some removed)
+ Fixed bugs and errors + Fixed
compatibility with
1.8.8 and older versions
+ New
+ NMS: Added
Player and
NetworkManager classes
+ Other: Added
Position and
TheMaterial classes
+ Added
Tasker class (Like
+ Added
new events & Fixed current + Added
User class (
Per user file like in Essentials)
+ Added
SignAPI + To the
SQLAPI added
new methods + Fixed
TheCoder (
+ GUICreatorAPI (GUI) now can be edited when it is open (Now you can just
update item without reopening whole
gui menu)
~ Rewrited MultiMap class
~ Rewrited EnchantmentAPI (From class to Enum)
~ Rewrited ScoreboardAPI (Now using NMS for more chars)
~ Rewrited BlockAPI (Plugins using this API require update!)
~ Rewrited PunishmentAPI(Plugins using this API require update!)
~ Renamed
TheRunnable to Scheduler - Removed ScoreboardAPIV2 & 3 - Removed
ParticleAPI (
Use NMSAPI for particles)
- Removed LagChecker (Causes lags)