Hello everyone, we are back! We're sorry for the lack of attention to the plugin, it was a stressful few months of other work and none of us had a good time, but we're back!
Version changes:
Added 1.8 - 1.19 support (only work with latest version of each).
PlaceholderAPI has been updated to latest version.
RGB format in messages now appear properly in +1.16 versions.
"experience-needed-formula" in config.yml has been temporarily disabled for Java 15 or later.
red: Red
lime: Green
magenta: Magenta
purple: Purple
green: Green
cyan: Cyan
light_blue: Light Blue
blue: Blue
light_gray: Light Gray
gray: Gray
orange: Orange
yellow: Yellow
brown: Brown
We are working on AdvancedClans Revamped v2, it should be ready for official release in summer, in the meantime we will keep v1 up to date.
P.S. If you find any errors, please let us know through our