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Passky -----

The best authentication plugin

Passky 1.1
Added almost all features requested by ㊛ ɥñķñ¤Ψñ ㊔

<---> Command + Alias = Permission <--->

/login, /log, /l = register.login
/register, /reg, /r = register.register
/changepassword, /changepass, /cp = register.changepass

<---> Messages <--->

If not registered (Can't be used while logged/registered) (Spamming every 5 seconds when connected):
"Please register using: /register <pass> <pass>"

If registered (Can't be used while logged/not registered) (Spamming every 5 seconds when connected):
"Please login using: /login <pass>"

If want to change password:
"To change your password you have to use: /cp <password> <newPassword>"

When you register:
"Your password isn't the same!"
"Your password doesn't meet the minimum requirements!"
"Successfuly registered. Auto logging-in!"

When you login:
"Your password is incorect!"
"Successfuly logged-in!"

When you change password:
"Your password is incorect!"
"Your new password doesn't meet the minimum requirements!"
"Successfuly changed password. Auto logging-in!"

<---> Restrictions <--->

No permission to use any commands except /login, /register.
Inventory is cleared and locked if not registered/logged.
Can't take damage by anything except lava (fire), drowning, falling (fall damage), effects (poison etc) or suffocating.
No permission to place/break blocks.
No permission to drop/pick-up items.
No permission to open tab.
No permission to move.
No permission to chat.

<---> Other <--->

Get kicked after 30 seconds of inactivity or 5 failures while trying to register/login.
Password must be at least 4 (numbers/latters etc) and not more than 32 (numbers/latters etc).
----------, Oct 9, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,695
First Release: Oct 4, 2019
Last Update: Aug 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
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