[1.13-1.21] ~ RewardsLite | Customizable rewards with ease icon

[1.13-1.21] ~ RewardsLite | Customizable rewards with ease -----

A very customizable and lightweight plugin that gives rewards to players based on playtime.

v2.4.0 - New Additions
  • Rewards will now have to be configured in rewards.yml. Old versions will automatically have their rewards in the config.yml moved to the new file.
  • Rewards have a new option called "CountAllPlaytime". Setting this to true will give the reward to the player on next join for all the playtime he gained up until that point. Combining this with the global CountAllPlaytime config option will give the reward for ALL playtime, even the playtime from before the plugin was installed. The plugin will calculate how many times the player can claim the reward by looking at the playtime of that player, subtracting the afk time if afk time is not counted towards the reward, subtracting the amount already redeemed by the player and setting that amount in pending state. On top of that the time till next reward will also be calculated correctly afterwards.
  • Added the option "InventoryLayout" which allows the server to center the rewards in their GUI.
  • Added the option "RewardsOrder" which allows the server to choose a specific criteria to order the rewards on in the GUI.
  • The config file will now update itself to any new version. No configured options will be lost, conversion is automatic.
  • The rewards in the rewards GUI will now have a live countdown till next reward.
  • The bstat option has been removed from the config. Disabling now requires you to disable it in the bstat config.
  • Fixed a bug in reward claiming if the reward had exactly 0 ticks left to be claimed but the player wasn't eligible it would still countdown.
----------, Aug 6, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23,560
First Release: Oct 3, 2019
Last Update: Aug 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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