v2.1.0 - Increased performance, customizable messages, cache and bug fixes
Added playerdata cache.
Added playerdata cache time option to config.
Saved userdata will now fix itself if something happened to it (manually or programmatically).
Every message in the plugin can now be customized in the message.yml file.
Quiting the game while in the givereward GUI name typing state will no longer put you in the typing state on next join.
GUI items in the /rewards GUI will now display a message if the player has no permission to claim this reward.
The /givereward command is now able to give rewards to offline players if they have data on the plugin.
The /givereward command now returns a succes message on successful reward given.
Default display item of rewards has been changed to a chest.
Added color code hint to the display name config option.
Fixed spelling error in permission (litplaytimerewards.rewards -> liteplaytimerewards.rewards)
Fixed error that would kick a player if child command was used with permission to the parent command but not the child command.
Fixed bug where players had to relog for reward permission changes to take effect.
Fixed a bug where a reward with a permission bound to it given to a player without this permission through the /givereward command and put into pending state didn't give the reward until next join.
Fixed tiny memory leak if player left the server with /givereward GUI open.
Fixed a bug where the display description of rewards wouldn't show color if color codes used.