Biome Remap icon

Biome Remap -----

Remap biomes to create strange new worlds

2.2.0 for Spigot 1.16.x
BiomeRemap 2.2.0 implements a feature request. BiomeRemap 2.2.0 supports only Spigot 1.16.4 and later.

Prior to MC 1.16.2, "chunk" referred to a 16x16 column, across all Y values; the biome of the entire column was specified by a single BIOME_ENUM value in the base chunk (Y=0). Starting with MC 1.16.2, "chunk" refers to a 16x16x16 cube; the biome of each cubic chunk may be specified independently. BiomeRemap 2.2.0 addresses this change by providing the option to remap only the base chunk (Y=0) or to remap the entire chunk column.

  • biomeremap.NAME.full-chunk-remap: false (default)
Only the base chunk (Y=0) will be remapped. This changes weather (for example, rain vs. snow) in the entire column, but changes the visual characteristics (for example, grass color) in the base chunk only. So the surface terrain characteristics remain unchanged.​
  • biomeremap.NAME.full-chunk-remap: true
The entire column will be remapped. This changes weather in the same way, but changes the visual characteristics of the entire column, so the surface terrain characteristics will reflect the new biome. This will incur a small additional computational cost to loop through the entire column, but it should not be noticeable in practice, and will not affect game play if the chunks are pre-generated (which we recommend in any event).​

The value of biomeremap.NAME.full-chunk-remap is reported on enable, at server start-up and plugin reload.​

: The configuration should be changed only after careful consideration and testing. The consequences of TRUE cannot be reversed, except by regenerating chunks after reverting to FALSE.
----------, Dec 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,704
First Release: Sep 1, 2019
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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