- You first want to set the lobby location by doing /td setlobby
so that when players do /td join they will be teleported there where they can select an arena to join!
- To create an arena, teleport to the arena world and do the command /td create <Name> <minPlayers> <maxPlayers>
This will create a new arena with your defined name.
Min players is the minimum amount of players required for the game to start the countdown. and max players is the maximum amount of players the arena can handle at a time! The arena is considered Single player if the maxPlayers value was 1.
- Now you can set the waiting lobby for the arena using the command /td setlobby <Arena>. This is where players will wait for the arena countdown to finish and they can vote for difficulty or equip classes there.
- Then set the location that the players will teleport to when the game actually begins using /td setspawn <Arena> (This should be inside the map)
- Now you need to setup the enemies path, go to the location where enemies spawn and type /td addpathspawn <Arena> 1. then go for the next point that they should move to and run the command /td addpathspawn <Arena> 1 again. The last path added is the location where if an enemy reaches it, the players health goes down. In case you made a mistake while adding paths you can delete the last added path with /td removepathspawn <Arena> 1. You can also check the paths added using /td showpath <Arena> 1.
The 1 written above is the Path ID. Use Path ID = 1 for your first route. If you have a second route, repeat the process using Path ID = 2 and so on, (For example you would use /td addpathspawn <Arena> 2 not /td addpathspawn <Arena> 1)
- Finally, you need to select the central blocks of towers. Basically the blocks that players have to right click to open the tower builder menu and build a tower there! To do this, use the command /td buildingarea <Arena>. This will give you a tool that when you left click a block with it you can make that block a central block.
- And finish! You just have to enable the arena in the arena editor (/td edit <Arena>) and hit save!
- You could also use the worldmanager commands to backup your worlds just incase anything went wrong
- If you want to make all players automatically join tower defense when they join the server you need to enable bungee mode in config.yml! If you have a bungee cord and a lobby system, This plugin will only be on your game server and NOT in your hub server, if you want to join through signs from your hub server, then you need to have a plugin such as TeleportSigns in your hub.
- Using bungee mode, if you have 1 arena setup then players will automatically join that arena once they join the server and when the arena finishes the server will close! If you had multiple arenas in the server then the plugin will simply run the command /td join to put all players in the lobby where they can select an arena! This also prevents them from leaving the lobby and there is no restarting done here!