+ Added weather. walkspeed, hunger, time under player: category.
+ Added /bcr as alias to /bcranks for easier usages.
+ Added "hide-complete-single: false" to the config under Settings:
^ What this option does is hide requirements that the player already had obtained previously.
This incase servers use 300 dependencies in 1 rank the gui would not be able to show all of them.
"hide-compled" will still if set show all are completed when the last req for that section has been met.(configurable)
* Fixed how advancements are read
^ Previously it would read : as spaces(next lines) now instead of:
minecraft:<section>/<advancement>:has:hasNot servers should use:
Simply switch the first : with ; and you should be fine
/ Settings.yml has been updated with some additionals to show most settings.
Please note that some reqs require other plugins(such as Quests) to be shown in the gui,
A set requirement without a supporting plugin will not be shown nor counted so shouldnt interfere with players trying to adchieve the rank you created.
If you have any suggestions for what to add as a req, or other.
A plugin you'd like to be supported, let me know and i'll take a look with you what we can do with it