The language files need to be updated when updating the plugin from a version before 2.4.1. You can either add a variable called '%price%' in front or after the currency symbol in the currencysymbol message or remove the language file when no changes are made so it will regenerate a new one when the plugin is loaded next time.
You can now disable all commands inside any world you want. (The option for this is located inside the config.yml, config.yml will automaticly update!)
Option in config to set the locale in which the prices are formatted. (See this link for the diffrence in formatting prices using a french locale:
Variable inside the language files to place the currency symbol after or in front of the price. (See message 'currencysymbol' inside any language file for this)
Command to sell all items in your hand. '/sellall hand'
When a message is not found inside the language file you're using, the plugin would trow a error.
Infinite looping error when the used language file is misconfigured.
Choosing items in the buy/sell screen still allowed you to choose amounts over the max stack size of the item that caused illigal stacking pluguins to break/remove the illigal stack.
/sreload would not reload the language file (If changes made in config)