EconomyShopGUI icon

EconomyShopGUI -----

A simple and free to use GUI shop plugin

EconomyShopGUI 2.2 BETA-4 || BIG UPDATE (Read the changelogs please)
We've put alot of hours/days into this update to add, fix, change and optimize features. But its finally here.
Note: You have to keep in mind that this is a beta version and will include some bugs/errors so if you notice one, join our support server and we will try to fix it.



  • /sreload can be run by the console now.
  • /sreload creates config files (if not generated yet), updates the config.yml, updates the shop settings, checks debug mode and looks for and checks if update for plugin is availible. (Reloading all configs was already done with the command)
  • Prices of items not showing when using french language file.
  • Shop didn't open after disabling the /givemoney command.
  • Couldn't click a barrier in shop section when the barrier was trying to be sold.
  • Exploits that were in the shop.
  • Players could click on items that normally shouldn't do anything in the buy/sell screens.


  • Support from minecraft version 1.8.x - 1.15.x.
  • Portuguesse language file that also can be used in brazilian (If someone wants the plugin in hi's own language, send me a pm on discord and I will include it in the plugin language files)
  • If the options of an item is null (material, meta, enchantment, type or potiontype) then it will not become clickable in the shop and the error message will be shown in the console. (The path from the item in the shops config is also shown in console (Only when the item has a error and debug mode is enabled))
  • A lot of error-messages/sentences in the language files.
  • Some items in the default shops config.
  • Support of the lore option in buth configuration files (Sections.yml and Shops.yml) on a item, this means custom lore is supported from now, you can use color codes aswell.
  • The displayname of a item in the shop section supports color codes now.
  • A debug option to show debug messages in the config + alot of debug messages to better understand what is wrong with the plugin..
  • All items can have lore now using the 'lore' option in the shops.yml and the sections.yml.
  • An instructional text file for your reference (called 'Example items') should the comments in the yml files be lost.
  • A few default items in the shops.yml.
  • If a buy price/sell price of an item is set to -1, the plugin will tell you that the item not is buyable/sellable.
  • If a item is bought or sold, it will log that in the console.
  • A option to disable items transaction logs in the console that are being bought/sold.
  • If the price of a item in the shop is -50 for example, the item will not be buy/sell able.
  • New permission nodes to open a shop. '<ShopSectionName>' to give the permission to open a specific shop section. '' to give someone acces to all shop sections.


  • Code to create a item to display in the GUI.
  • Code to create a item to give to a player.
  • The items will now be copied to other GUI sreens, this might give some performance upgrades while making your way true the shop.
  • Check which item is clicked in the shop. (Now we use NMS methodes for that)
  • Cleaned up all general code + cleaned up configs.
  • Button to increase or decrease the item that's being bought/sold in the buy/sell sreens is now stacked in 1, 16 or 32.
  • Button to sellall or buymore items.
  • Genral performance improvements.


  • Changed the name of the option to give a item a spawnertype from 'type' to 'spawnertype' for clarification.
  • Changed the option of the displayname of an item in the shops config to 'displayname' instead of 'meta' for clarification.
  • Changed the disable buy/sell value from '0' to '-1'(or any negative number), allowing for free items to be bought/sold.
  • You can now buy 64 stacks of an item. If the player inventory is full, the item will drop on the ground on the player's location.
  • BuyStacks/Sellall item in the buy/sell inventory.
  • Sell/buy inventory rows is now decreased by 1.
  • The amount that a item is gonna cost is now shown when hovering over the paper inside a buy or sell screen.


  • No need to enable or disable second page in the sections.yml, the plugin will automaticly detect if there is need for a second page.
  • Permission node 'EconomyShopGUI.customshop' is now replaced with '<ShopSectionName>'.

Tip: If you have notepad++ you can change all "type" options to "spawnertype" by just pressing Ctrl + F in notepad++ and then go to the 'replace tab' and in the box where it says 'Search' you will type "meta:" and in the 'replace by' box you type "displayname:" and then finally press the 'Replace all' button. (This also works with the option "meta" to "displayname", just change the 'Search' and 'replace by' box)

Discord support server:
----------, Apr 29, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,379,403
First Release: Aug 1, 2019
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
200 ratings
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