- split the config into 2 config files (one for the shop and one for the settings)
- Added an auto updating config (It only auto updates the config.yml because otherwise if you remove a item in the shop lines then it would add that line back in)
- Added a reload command!
- Changed the name of "setmoney" command to "givemoney"
Warning, if you switch from the previous update to this update! The permissions from "EconomyShopGUI.setmoney" is changed to "EconomyShopGUI.givemoney" (Change the permmissions in your permissions plugin or the givemoney command will not work for the players that have the "setmoney" permission)
Warning, if you use the old plugin, remove the old config so it generates 2 new ones! (You will need to configure every item/prices/names again in the new shops.yml config file!)