DragonTimer icon

DragonTimer -----

Addon for DragonSlayer or Standalone

The Dragon will rise when it's time has come ...!

This plugin is meant to be an addon to Dragon Slayer ! but can also be used standalone!
Dragons are only spawned in a world when there are enough players in that world at the right time!
If there are less players than necessary, it's possible to remove the existing dragons!

  • Can be used as an Addon for DragonSlayer or as standalone!
  • Configurable Ender Dragon respawn time (specific times)
  • Configurable Ender Dragon respawn location
  • OneByOne feature that only spawns one dragon each spawntime
  • Configurable minimum players needed for a respawn to happen.
  • You can define a timelimit for the dragonfight.
  • Respawn Timer Display.
  • Executable server commands at dragonkill.
  • Preventing Dragons from guarding the portal at 0/0.
  • Multidragon support.
  • Multiworld support and dragon settings per world.
  • Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI (needs PAPI 2.10.7++!)
  • Plugin can remove the dragon(s) if there are not enough players
  • Crystal refresh (needs DragonSlayer!)
  • Configurable health (in standalone mode)
  • Configurable dragon name and multiple names (in standalone mode)
  • Healthbar support for MC 1.9+ (replacing original healthbar if there is more than one dragon). (only in standalone mode)
  • And even more...!
How to install
  1. Put the DragonTimer.jar in your plugins folder
  2. Start the server
  3. Use the setspawn command to add a world to the plugin.
  4. Use the commands and/or edit the config file (see Configuration)
  5. Restart the server or use reload command.

Code (Text):
  _default: #default values
    name: '&5Smaug&r'
    maxdragons: 1 #max amount of dragons per world
    minplayers: 1 #minimum players needed for a respawn
    health: 200 #the dragons health (standalone only)
    removedragons: false #remove the dragons if less than 'minplayers' ?
    timelimit: 0 #minutes for dragonbattle duration, 0 to disable
    removedelay: 3 #minutes until dragons are removed, after a warning has been displayed (used for timelimit and for removedragons)
    command: 'ping' #default command at dragonkill (standalone only) you can use $player and $world here, multiple commands possible (separated by ';')
    noguarding: false #if set to true dragons will not fly to 0/0 anymore
    spawntimes: '12:00,13:00,14:00,15:00'
    onebyone: false  #if only one dragon should be spawned each time
    timerdisplay: true #enable/disable the countdown display
    darkness: true #enable/disable darkness while in battle (standalone only, 1.13+ only)
    dsl_refreshdelay: -1 # -1 = off, minutes to refresh the crystals after dragon respawn!
  keepchunks: true    # if chunks in spawn area should remain loaded (needs more CPU/Server-power)

  notenoughplayers: 'There are not enough players on map $world to spawn dragons! There should be at least $minplayers players!'
  dragonstospawn: 'There is a dragonrespawn ongoing! It will spawn $amount new dragons in world $world! (with $delay minutes delay)'
  dragonsremwarn: 'Dragons in world $world may be removed in $removedelay minutes because of too few players!'
  dragonsremoved: 'Dragons in world $world have been removed because of too few players!'
  timelimitwarn: 'Hurry up! Dragons in world $world may be removed in $removedelay minutes! Battletime is almost over!'
  timelimit: 'Dragons in world $world have been removed! You did not finish the fight!'
  timertext: 'Respawn in:'
  timerline: '$hours : $minutes :'

  world_the_end: # this is the spawn of world : 'world_the_end'
    x: 0
    y: 96
    z: 0

Commands & Permissions
Code (Text):
dragontimer.admin: permission for changing settings
dragontimer.info: permission for getting infos
dragontimer.forcerespawn: permission for casting the respawn by hand

All commands start with /dragontimer, /dtimer or /dti
getspawn [worldname] shows the dragons spawnpoint
gettime [worldname] shows the list of possible spawntimes

setspawn [x y z [world]] sets the spawn and enables that world for this plugin
remspawn [world] removes that world from the list...
addtime hh:mm [world] adds a time to the spawn times for that world (24h format!)
remtime hh:mm [world] removes the given time from that list...

minplayers ['amount' [world]] sets the minimum number of players needed to have a spawn happen or displays the actual setting
maxdragons ['amount' [world]] sets the number of dragons that will spawn in given world or displays the actual setting
health ['amount' [world]] sets the dragons health or displays the actual setting (only in standalone mode, if DragonSlayer is used health is controllen by DragonSlayer!)
removedragons ['false' or 'true'] will set if the existing dragons should be removed when to few players are in the end. Or displays the actual setting
removedelay ['amount' [world]] sets or displays ceasetime for the dragon remove...
timelimit ['amount' [world]] sets the minutes how long a dragon battle should take maximum. '0' disables this featue.

killdragons [world] kills all existing dragons in that world.
reload reloads the plugins config!
forceallrespawn will start the respawn right now!


%dragontimer_nexttime% --> displays the next spawntime for all worlds
%dragontimer_nextmap% --> world for next respawn
%dragontimer_countdown% --> displays the next spawntime for all worlds as a countdown.
%dragontimer_playersnexttime% --> displays the next available spawntime for the world the player is in.
%dragontimer_playerscountdown% --> displays the next spawntime for the world the player is in as a countdown.
%dragontimer_countdown_[world]% --> displays the next spawntime for that world as a countdown.

Reviews, Comments, Bugs, suggestions, ...
Please leave your reviews, comments and ideas in the discussion.
If you find a bug either PM me or use the discussion forum.
If you would like to review this plugin, go ahead!

This plugin was tested with versions 1.9 to 1.21.4.
It should also work with 1.8, but i did not test this, yet.
When used as an add-on to DragonSlayer, there seem to be no issues with 1.8!
If you can confirm a version is working (or not) please let me know ;)

This plugin will only do its job in worlds that are known to the plugin by setting up the spawnpoint.!
All worldnames in config must be lowercase. So, watch out, if you alter the configuration by hand ...

Some of the settings in config file are not doing anything when this plugin is used as an addon to DragonSlayer! (health, name)
If you want to use it together with DragonSlayer you have to edit the DragonSlayer config:
Set respawndelay to -1 !
This can be done in mixed mode, too!
You can have one world using DragonSlayer's respawn, the other world having DragonTimer's respawn!

Plugin is not compatible with 1.12 but 1.12.2 as 1.12 is missing some of the new code... !

Please do not post requests for support or report issues on the reviews section.
Use the discussion instead! Thanks.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,828
First Release: Jul 13, 2019
Last Update: Jan 10, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings