[✔️] NEW! Fixed the Placeholder of the menus in bungeecord not showing the channel id. [✔️] NEW! Fixed the error when opening the inventory in spigot (sometimes gave errors). [✔️] NEW! New item in the menu for /announce (Spigot), /aace (Bungee Cord) now the player can select if the purchase message will be sent. (Only for him) [✔️] NEW! Now you can see the player's announcement visibility information with a new item in /acs manager (Spigot), /aacs manager (Bungee Cord). [✔️] NEW! Bungee Cord commands are now totally different from spigot commands now instead of (/acs is /aace) as well as (/ace is /aace). [✔️] NEW! New command (/ace toggle purchase) and (/aace toggle purchase). [✔️] NEW! Now you can disable the item that sends the command list in the /announce and /aace gui. [✖️] DELETED! You must delete your database.db in case you use SQL and if you use MySQL you must delete your database from "deluxe-announce". [✖️] DELETED! You must delete the file (messages/config/players.yml) in case of using Bungee Cord.