- [✔️] NEW! Server status now starts 30 s to avoid errors with Spicord.
- [✔️] NEW! Fixed error in console (acs)
- [✔️] NEW! Now all players will be sent a message when a player donates to the server!
- [✔️] NEW! Fixed command (/acs help) in console and in game not working
- [✔️] NEW! Potions effects added when player donates to server
- [✔️] NEW! Discord key name changed from (Deluxe-Bot) to (Deluxe-Announce).
- [✔️] NEW! Now the Deluxe Announce bot can now get information on how many players there are in real time.
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete all translation files from (lang)
- [✖] WARNING! You must delete your Donations.yml file