Helloooo everybody!
After over a year of inactivity, I would like to present to you,
PhatLoots v5.5.1! This update adds support for 1.17 and a handful of other changes.
Major thanks to
@ShiftingKill for taking the lead on this update and doing the bulk of work on getting 1.17 support added.
- Support for 1.17/1 (by @ShiftingKill)
- Fixes for MythicDrops support (by @ShiftingKill)
- Chest locations no longer unnecessarily load chunks on startup
- Miscellaneous code optimizations
Since this is the first release for 1.17, as a cautionary measure,
take backups of your chest and loot files. Although testing was done and no issues were encountered that resulted in any issues with loot chest not saving/loading, it's always a good measure to take backups just incase anything goes wrong for whatever reason.