[1.12.2-1.21.4] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection icon

[1.12.2-1.21.4] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection -----

Protection, Claims, GriefPrevention, Flags, Rent, Sell, Folia.

New Plots feature, Folia Support, Scheduler API, Bug Fixes, and more!
Introducing the next big GD update which adds Plots and Folia support!

Folia Support

GriefDefender now supports Folia 1.21+ servers. All scheduling code has been rewritten and optimized to support Folia.
A new Scheduler API has also been introduced to support GD plugins on Folia.

See https://github.com/bloodmc/GriefDef...om/griefdefender/api/scheduler/Scheduler.java

Plots Feature

Plot Commands

/gd plot claim

Aliases: claimplot
Arguments: [plot_identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.create.plot

Allow players to claim a nearby plot or a plot in specified plot container identifier.​

/gd plot create

Aliases: claimcreateplot
Arguments: <name> <child_radius> <quantity> <spacing> [X Z]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.create.plot

Allow admins to create a container of plots for players.​

/gd plot merge

Aliases: claimplotmerge
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.user.claim.plot.merge

Allows players to merge plots in the direction they are facing.​

/gd plot unmerge

Aliases: claimplotunmerge
Arguments: [identifier]
Permission: griefdefender.admin.claim.plot.unmerge

Allows admins to unmerge plots they are standing in.​

How to use :

Plot Creation

The following command will create a 4x4 plot container with each plot being 10x10 in size and a spacing of 1 :

/gd plot create test 10 4 1 [x] [z]​

Each plot would automatically have a claim identifier of test_plot_XXX . So in this case test_plot_001, test_plot_002, etc..

The result is attached picture


Plot Claim

A player will claim a plot by executing the following command

/gd plot claim [plot_id]​

So with the example above, if a player wanted to claim the next available plot in container test, they would execute

/gd plot claim test​

If the player wanted to claim a specific `test_plot_002`1 in container test, they would stand in plot and execute

/gd plot claim test_plot_002​

If no identifier is provided, GD will search for next available plot.

Plot Visuals

Vacant plots will use prismarine (cracked) visuals indicating that noone has claimed the plot.
Occupied plots will use prismarine brick visuals indiciating that the plot has been claimed.

Note: These are just defaults and can be changed to any vanilla/modded block.

Plot Warps

All plots will generate a default spawn point in center of plot allowing players to easily return to their land.


Plot Permissions

Admins will have the ability to lockdown a plot container and only allow specific users to claim plots. This will be handled by permissions. By default, all users will have access to claim plots if they have the base user permission.

Plot Merging

Players will have ability to merge their plots together if owned by them. See `/gd plot merge` command above.



Plot Abandon

When plots are abandoned, they revert to their original snapshot and schematic at time of creation. Their status also reverts back to 'vacant'.

Plot Limitations

  • Cannot be resized
  • Requires admin container which can only be created via '/gd plot create' command.
  • Can only be deleted if parent container is removed.

3.0.0 Changelog

Code (Text):

* Add plots feature.
Note: See update notes for details.
* Add new scheduler API.
* Add Folia 1.21+ support.
* Add support for Java 16+ on 1.16.5 servers.
* Add new setting 'per-world-claim-limits' to playerdata category. Allows for finer per-world control when using global or server-wide playerdata.
* Added visual selection when attempting to merge plots.
* Fix inventory GUI flag titles not being checked.
* Fix minecraft preset still loading when disabled.
* Fix gamemode resetting when moving within claim with option set to UNDEFINED.
* Fix claim expansion on world border.
* Fix duplicate claim identifiers being stored for same claim UUID.
* Fix ClaimSnapshot not restoring all claim data.
* Updated lang.
----------, Sep 19, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,452
First Release: Jul 23, 2019
Last Update: Dec 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
143 ratings
Find more info at www.griefdefender.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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Version Rating:
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