This is a hotfix for claimnames.conf not being migrated properly. This file holds all claim id to UUID mappings. Follow these steps to re-migrate your old hocon file.
- Delete the claimnames.yml file
- Rename original claimnames.conf.bak to claimnames.conf
- Apply this updated jar.
- Boot server and this time the claimnames.conf should be migrated properly.
It is HIGHLY recommended to backup your entire GriefDefender plugin config folder before proceeding with update as all user configs will be migrated to YAML and all lang files will be migrated to JSON. If you prefer to stick with HOCON then open jar and change yaml to hocon in config_format.txt.
2.5.9 Changelog
Code (Text):
* Fix claimnames.conf migration.
* Fix tag.conf not being migrated from hocon.