This is a performance and stability update addressing various issues in 2.3.1 release.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with water not flowing properly in claims, rename your ./world/data/griefdefender folder as this may have bad tracking data due to bugs in last release.
Code (Text):
* Fix getRunningServerTicks caused by Spigot internal change to getServer. Note: This fixes GD's cause manager not properly tracking causes.
* Fix protected-world setting causing various NPE's.
* Fix NPE during ClaimBlockTask.
* Fix IllegalArgumentException when attempting to process bad custom entity name from mods.
* Fix Slimefun item integration.
* Fix LP /acb commands randomly not saving properly when executed by other plugins.
* (MC 1.12.2) Fix NoSuchMethodError during ProjectileLaunchEvent.
* Improve performance during entity spawn events.
* Improve performance during block change events.
* Invalidate player cache of players inside claim during claim cache purge. Note: This fixes caching issues when non-user flag permissions change.