MC 1.19, MultiPaper Support, Option Definitions, Improved Option GUI, Bug fixes and more!
New preset lang entries have been added to this release. You can either wipe the existing preset lang or insert the new additions below.
Code (Text):
option-descriptions {
player-deny-flight="Controls whether a player has ability to fly in this claim."
player-deny-godmode="Controls whether a player has ability to be in godmode in this claim."
player-deny-hunger="Controls whether a player can have hunger in this claim."
player-fly-speed="Controls the player's fly speed in this claim."
player-gamemode="Controls the player's gamemode in this claim."
player-health-regen="Controls the player's health regeneration in this claim."
player-item-drop-lock="Controls whether a player's items are locked on drop."
player-keep-inventory="Controls whether a player keeps inventory on death."
player-keep-level="Controls whether a player can keep all XP after death."
player-teleport-cost="Controls how much a teleport costs from this claim."
player-teleport-delay="Controls how much of a delay before a player teleport will activate."
player-walk-speed="Controls the player's walk speed in this claim."
player-weather="Control's the player's weather in this claim."
pvp-combat-command="Control's whether a player can use commands during pvp combat in this claim."
pvp-combat-teleport="Control's whether a player can teleport during pvp combat in this claim."
pvp-combat-timeout="Control's how long pvp timeout lasts."
villager-raid="Controls whether raids can occur in villages."
option-names {
MC 1.19 Support
This release adds support for Minecraft 1.19 servers.
MultiPaper Support
This release adds initial support for MultiPaper servers that need GD data to be synchronized across all servers.
Note: Set always-read-write-db in storage.conf to true.
Note: Due to additional code required to make this setup work, support will only be given to patreons.
Option Definition System
Presets now support option definitions. An option definition supports a single option with one or more contexts. This new system will power vanilla and external plugin options such as mcmmo, aurelium and more.
GD's API has been updated to support the new option definition system.
The below screenshots show what GD will display after reading the delivered option definitions from minecraft's preset.
Sponge 1.16.5 Support
GriefDefender now supports Sponge 1.16.5 servers. Builds will be available on discord.
Code (Text):
* Add option definition support for presets.
* Fix potential server crash when using /claimsellblocks
* Improve option GUI.
* Improve pt_BR translations.
* Clear player cache on trust change.
* Show cached interact events in debug.
* Ignore limited user check if player is admin.
* (Bukkit) Add support for MC 1.19.
* (Bukkit) Prevent item frames being broken by vehicle collisions.
* (Bukkit) Fix getMinHeight NoSuchMethodError on 1.12.2 servers.
* (Bukkit) Add multi-paper support.
Note: Set always-read-write-db in storage.conf to true.
* (Bukkit) Fix NPE when throwing lingering potion.
* (Bukkit) Fix NPE when checking command permission.
* (Hybrid) Add support for Arclight mod entity registration.
Note: This will now properly show pixelmon spawns by name.
* (Hybrid) Listen to WorldLoadEvent to workaround Hybrid servers not firing WorldInitEvent's for MultiVerse worlds.