Due to recent changes, you will need to perform the following before starting server with new update
- On bukkit, delete ./plugins/GriefDefender/lang
- On sponge, delete ./config/GriefDefender/lang
The flags.conf will have to be deleted or modified to account for new flag definitions below.
Vanilla compatibility enhancements/fixes
The following flag definitions have been added to flags.conf
- animal-block-modify - Used to control whether animals can modify blocks (Default: true). Ex. Rabbit eating a carrot block.
- ravager-block-break - Used to control whether ravagers can break blocks during raids (Default: true).
- silverfish-block-infest - Used to control whether silverfish can infest blocks such as cobblestone (Default: false).
The following flag definitions have been fixed
- enderman-grief
- villager-trade
- villager-farm
The following vanilla fix has been made
- Untamed animals will no longer be denied when attacking eachother.
Code (Text):
* Rewrite EntityChangeBlockEvent handling. Handler will now use the proper block flag when handling source/target block changes.
* Fix NPE during potion splash.
* Fix enderman-grief flag definition.
* Fix villager-trade flag definition.
* Fix villager-farm flag definition.
* Fix owner name showing for enter/exit prefix in wilderness/admin claims.
* Fix untamed animals being denied when attacking eachother.
* Add animal-block-modify flag definition.
* Add ravager-block-break flag definition.
* Add silverfish-block-infest flag definition.
* Add new visual config setting 'cuboid-level-visuals-2d' under visual category to control whether cuboid visuals should be show during inspection of 2d claims with owner min/max level between 0-255.
* (Sponge) Fix 'flowing_water' spam in gddebug.
* (Sponge) Add ice form/melt detection.