Thank you for the review. For the question, I clarified the description of the plugin:
> Skeletons and other shooters firing ballistic projectiles (Strays having bows, Pillagers and Piglins having crossbows, Whitches having potions)...
For the request, I released a version with added 'exclude-biomes' list to config.
Version: 0.4.2
The plugin makes life a nightmare in a good means. Shifting, jumping, running away - nothing works. And the best is no in-flight correction, only fair initial aiming - so I'm sure if I don't get knocked it's my skill. =)
Seems to work great! Skeletons calculate their shots and predicts where a player will be and shoots there. It's harder to dodge arrows now but still possible which is a good thing. Just gotta time dodges better by jumping in the opposite direction right as a skeleton fires! :D
Thank you!
Do you mean that they target not the best way sometimes? Or, do you mean, that it's still possible to avoid a hit?
I intended to make things as much realistic as it was possible. So I didn't force the projectiles to hit the targets, modifying the projectiles in flight, but only assisted shooters to aim better at the beginning.