Myriad Clans icon

Myriad Clans -----

Clan plugin designed to work alone or integrate with Domain - 1.13-1.20

Back-end changes
Change Log 1.0.6

This update doesn't add a lot to the plugin for the user, but makes huge changes in the back-end. Please be sure to back up your Myriad folder before installing this update.

Replaces the sqlite database file storage with yml file storage with a file for each clan. The first time the update runs, it will read from the database and write the files out during startup. Any reboot after this will read directly from the files and ignore the database file so long as the Clans folder exists.

Removes a number of debug log messages showing throughout the console

Corrects the locked file issue when closing the server which could cause either the clan data to not update, or, cause the server to lock up until the file lock gave up.

Changes to the clan are saved in real-time rather than on server shutdown, which should lead to less chance of data loss in the event of a server crash

Foe/Functionality code modified to allow for further updates

Ranks code modified to allow for further updates

Banned word file error when no words entered has been corrected

Clan kill log no longer stored in memory and can be turned off completely with config option

record_clan_kills: false
----------, Apr 21, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85
First Release: Jul 13, 2019
Last Update: Aug 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings