Myriad Clans icon

Myriad Clans -----

Clan plugin designed to work alone or integrate with Domain - 1.13-1.20

Version: 1.1.0
I still do not have this add-on, but I would like to use it if it supports discordsrv, to create a clan, let's put discord in a channel name of the clan, and synchronize the clan chat with a private channel of the clan in discord

No mysql Suppor. No translate all mensaje. Example clan info .
Author's response
It doesn't claim to have MySQL support (though that is coming in 2.0), you can translate any message via the lang.yml file.

You could have reached out for a free trial (it literally urges you to do so on the overview on Spigot), but didn't, or if you'd taken more than 41 minutes between purchase and review, I would have been happy to discuss it with you.

Very good plugin, The only downside (to me) is that you have to use ''/clan info'' to accept somebody's request. I personally think using a different command like ''/clan requests'' or ''/clan applications'' would be better. Sadly you can't change this in the config file. But nevertheless still a very good and working plugin!
Author's response
Thanks - I'm currently working on v2 so will take that in mind!

definitely an excellent clan plugin, the developer is very nice and provides excellent support !!!

Version: 1.0.7
One of the best plugins on minecraft, and its compatibility with plugins from the author pleases twice. 10/5

Version: 1.0.7
El discord no funciona y el comando /clan tampoco... Estoy utilizando la versión 1.16
Author's response
Sorry, support is not provided via reviews, and only in English. Please feel free to message me directly on Spigot.

Version: 1.0.1
Good plugin. There are non-critical bugs, but in general it works.
Please take a look at the Issue tracker.

Version: 0.0.1
This is a great plugin works awesome with domain.Flawless. I also am very pleased with the quick and feedback of keeping all this developers plugins up to date. Response is friendly and quick. Outstanding

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85
First Release: Jul 13, 2019
Last Update: Aug 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings