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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Universes 5.0
Hello everyone! This is a pretty major update to the Universes plugin that has been in the process of development for almost two years. (You can thank school for some of the delays). There is a lot, so I encourage you all to reread the overview page and watch the new update video after reviewing the changelog. If you have any questions, please come to my discord and ask: https://discord.gg/pSBKafQ.

Feature Additions:

- added per world and group economy
- added administrative economy commands and balance command
- added toggle to config to disable the Universes economy
- added economy-config.yml
- added the ability to use custom generators
- added the ability to provide a seed for a world to generate with
- added the ability to provide a group to add a world to on creation or import
- added the ability for Universes to register worlds created by other plugins
- added an option in config to disable Spawnify's respawn system to allow usage of other plugins or sources (i.e. Essentials)
- added support for Placeholder API, for world prefixes
- added the ability to grant players permission to use /ut and /us for only specific worlds
- added the ability to require users have permissions to enter specific worlds
- added config toggle and permission checks for the changes to /ut and /us
- added tab completion for all relevant commands
- added special tab completion for /ut and /us so only worlds a player has access to will appear in the list
- /universereload (/ur) now updates everything related to the plugin--all config options, groups, etc.
- added the ability to turn the player limit on and off per world (it is off by default)

- added the ability to set respawn points per world or group
- added per world and per group bed spawns
- added a command to go to any world or group spawn (previous you could only go to the spawn for the world or group you were in)

- updated the end portal handler to behave like vanilla Minecraft
- updated U-Ends to use the new data storage system
- added new config option to control end exit behavior
- U-Ends now also handles entities

- updated U-Nethers to use the new data storage system

Bugs fixed:

- implemented the fix for the full world bug

- Fixed a bug that allowed any player to use /universemodify
- fixed several bugs that caused respawning and teleporting errors

- fixed a bug in the nether portal handler that caused incorrect final calculations for destination when entering or exiting
the nether. Specifically, it would not find any pre-existing portals on the Y axis
- fixed erroneous handling of entities
- updated U-Nethers to use the new data storage system

Other Important Changes:
- completely overhauled the data storage system to move away from Databases, which are slow and ill suited to the file usage of Universes
- rewrote roughly 50-60% of the plugin code
- added comments to the config.yml
- completely restructured the groups.yml
- rewrote the plugin initialization process for the new storage system
- rewrote conversion command to make the storage transition easier
- added a permissions system to the changes to /ut and /us, and the new world entry permissions option

Special Note for World Prefixes:
The UniversePlaceholders.jar is not a plugin. It should not go in the plugins folder. You only need it if you are using Placeholder API. If you are, put it in the PlaceholderAPI extensions folder. It may not work otherwise. If you are not using PlaceholderAPI this should not be an issue.

----------, Aug 16, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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