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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

A couple bugs and an old feature makes a comebac
Hello all,

So, as the title says, we've got some minor bugs fixed.

The first one was not so much a bug as it was a poorly implemented feature in Universe-Spawnify. Essentially, with the plugin installed, you would be sent to the hub location every time you joined the server. I have added a config option so this can now be toggled. It is off by default.

Second, some of you may have noticed a message whenever you used a nether or end portal. "Portal event triggered." That was a debugging printout I accidentally left in, and have now removed.

Third, many of you may remember the feature from Universe-Nethers 1.0 where you could return to your nether entry portal from anywhere in the nether. I removed that because I didn't think it was necessary anymore. Turns out a lot of you guys actually liked and used that feature. So, I have added it back. You will find an option in the Universes config to enable it.

- There seems to be a bug that many of you have experienced when creating a world where Universes essentially completely breaks. Try as I might, I have not been able to reproduce this. So, if this happens to you, please send me a note or a message on the discussion board here detailing what brought you to that point, the server logs with the error messages, and the server version you are running (/version) and its distribution (i.e. Spigot, Paper, or Sponge). The only fix I have at this point is to restart the server after you've given me your bug report.
- The player counters screwing up and causing "Sorry, that world is full" to be returned when trying to enter a world. There is a somewhat brute force fix in place for this as well as a a command to get a debug printout of the world data for when this happens. If you run into the bug, do the same as for the previous one, but instead of the server version, send me what you see in the /uinfo command. I am pretty sure this happens when the player counter is somehow reduced to -1, which is then equal to the value used to denote the counter being disabled. When the plugin then asks the world if it is full, the result comes back true. However, I don't know why this is happening.

Please note, I am doing everything I can to pinpoint and resolve these bugs and improve the plugin. But I am also a Junior in college, so my time is fairly limited. I can't devote entire days to investigating issues like I could during the summer. So, when you guys experience these bugs, when you provide everything you can to me, finding the bug goes a lot more quickly. So, when you leave a review stating that something wasn't working and you get an error message, that does nothing to help fix the issue. Your reviews should be about what you like and dislike about the plugin and what you think could make the plugin better. Please, PLEASE report bugs to me in a note or discussion so I can actually communicate with you and resolve issues. The people that have left bug reports in the reviews never respond to me when I reach out to them and ask for more information, and it really aggravates me because I know there is a bug now, but I have no idea how to reproduce it, nor any inkling of where in the near seven thousand lines of code the bug could be happening.

Thank you for (hopefully) listening, and I hope you continue to enjoy the plugin.
----------, Oct 7, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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