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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

INTRODUCING SPAWNIFY!! Oh, and some bug fixes. Yeah.
Hello everyone!

This is a small, but surprisingly feature-packed update. So, let's get into it.

First are some tweaks to the Universes core.
- First, a bug fix. So, when Universe-Nethers and Universe-Ends are installed, the /uc command is supposed to automatically create a nether and end world for each created overworld. I had a small typo in my code that caused the plugin to use the wrong instance of the Generator class, thus the worlds were not actually generated. This has been fixed.
- Tab autocomplete is now fully implemented! Have fun not needing to remember which things go where when creating worlds!
- The /um and /uo commands have had some significant changes. Up until this point, all configuration options could be changed via the command as well as the GUI. I have decided to remove that ability in favor of using only the GUIs. First, the GUIs are easier to use anyway. Second, maintaining the modification options and overrides in two different places takes up a lot of extra time when making changes to them. Removing the code means I only have to maintain one version. This means more time for other things like Universe-Portals.
- Third, world entry permissions have been added. Through this, you can require players to have a certain permission to enter a world. More on this below.
- Fourth, a lot of people have had issues worlds reporting that they are full when they are clearly not. I haven't been able to figure out why this is happening, so I added a few tools to hopefully diagnose this, and to temporarily remedy it. First, there is the new /universeinfo or /uinfo command. This will print out all the stats of a world to the screen including the player counts, player limits, and the name of the group. Second, there is a new /universeresetplayercount or /urpc command that will reset the player count to 0 and change the player limit to the default of -1. This command will kick any players in a world that has been reset so that the counter is not reporting incorrect numbers. These commands will require permissions. Universes.info and Universes.resetplayercount respectively.
- Lastly, a workaround for a bug with the end exit gates. Since 1.16, exit gates in End worlds created with the WorldCreator class, which this plugin uses, have been calling the wrong event and sending players to the default end world instead of the overworld. I wrote in a bit of code to make a workaround for this until the bug is fixed (I've reported it to the Spigot issue tracker), if the Spigot team is able to fix it.

Universe Nethers
So, there have been a few bugs with this version that I've looked into and hopefully fixed.
- First, when entities entered nether portals a NullPointerException error was reported in console. This was because in the entity portal event handler, I had a line of code trying to send a message to a player with my username. Chances are, I'm not playing on your server, so it can't find and errors out. This little bug has been fixed.
- Second, I've had a few people report that their nether portals just don't work. No errors in console, nothing. I believe this was tied to the previous bug, because after I fixed that, I sent a test build to someone who uses the plugin and their nether portals started working again. So, I think this bug is fixed. However, I could not reproduce the bug, so I am not entirely certain that it is fixed.

Universe Ends
- This is mostly related to the WorldCreator bug mentioned earlier. A small tweak has been coded so that players are returned to the overworld tied to the end they are in.

This plugin was originally created for a server I am currently staff on. It was created as an extension of Universes, and it seemed like something a lot of people would find very useful.

So, what is Universe Spawnify?
Well, a plugin for spawning of course! It allows you to set a spawn for each world or group of worlds that can be teleported to with /spawn, and players to be sent to when they die. There is also a hub which can be set and reached with /hub. If a world or group does not have a spawn point, players are sent to the hub instead. This plugin also adds in a toggle in the World Settings GUI that can be used to change the spawn location.

This extension adds in four new commands that are as follows:
/setgroupspawn - sets the spawn of a world or world group
/spawn - teleport to the world or world group spawn
/sethub - set the hub location
/hub - teleport to the hub location.

As is to be expected, it also has some permissions:
Universes.Spawnify.* - the wildcard permission, grants access to the whole plugin
Universes.Spawnify.setspawn - allows using /setgroupspawn and /setspawn
Universes.Spawnify.spawn - allows using /spawn

This plugin is complete and stable, but I decided to mark it as a beta because it is fairly new and hasn't been tested too much.

Universes World Entry Permissions
As mentioned above, this will allow you to require certain permissions to enter a given world. By default, this is turned off in the config. When turned on, players will need permission to enter worlds. This includes, AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, the default worlds. YOU MUST GIVE PERMISSIONS FOR THE DEFAULT OVERWORLD, NETHER, AND END!
The permissions are formatted as follows:
Universes.universe.<world name>
Add that for each world a player or group can access. If your players start in a hub world, they will need permission to enter the hub or they will be unable to return. Worlds are also not grouped together, though I may make this possible in the future. But for now, players will have to be given permission for all worlds in a group.

Closing Notes:
Universes has grown quite substantially since it was first created. A lot of new features have been added, and a lot of bugs have been fixed. As the plugin has expanded, the overview pages has gotten messier and messier and messier. So, I am going to start working on a wiki site. It probably won't be ready for a few months. Attached to it will also be the forums page, for discussion, suggestions, and bug reports. As I work on this, I am going to start working on, and enforcing, a bug reporting policy so I can diagnose and fix bugs more efficiently. So, look forward to those things in the future.
----------, Sep 25, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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