Universes icon

Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

1.16 and stuff
So, 1.16 is out. And the way worlds work was changed a bit. And some parts of my plugin are quite broken now. I decided to hold off on some work I had planned until 1.16 came and spent some time reviewing the code. Suffice to say, some of the code is AWFUL! So, in light of the update to Minecraft, I've decided to completely rewrite some stuff. My goal will be to reorganize some of the files in the plugin folder, to remove the unnecessary instancing of said files in the code, and to write more organized code that other people can actually follow should they want to make modifications. Also, this will hopefully resolve some rare, inexplicable issues that I've seen happening.

I apologize for the delays this will cause in getting an update out, but by doing this, the project should become easier to maintain in the long run.

Thank you all for your support, and I'll try to get this done as soon as I can. (Mind you, quality over quantity).
----------, Jun 30, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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Downloads: ------
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