Universes icon

Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Bug Fixes and new Features
Hiya guys! This update isn't too big, but fixes some important bugs and adds in a sought after feature. So, here's what's in store:

Universe-Nethers and Universe-Ends
- added Universes as a dependancy. Those warnings that appear in the console are gone. I had checks in place to be sure Universes is installed, this is just another, albeit important, layer of safety.

- When you create or import a world, the difficulty is actually saved and applied when worlds are loaded (This has been missing since the initial release and was only just now brought to my attention). When previously existing worlds are loaded, they will automatically be set to the game's default of easy. If you wish to change this, simply change the difficulty in the file and restart the server (reloads may not apply the change). I'll add a command later.
- Upon making respawnWorlds option, I broke a few things in the respawn event handler, mostly due to poor variable names. I large portion of this class was adjusted to be clearer and to fix the bugs.
- A likely unnoticed bug in the /universeimport command has been fixed. For whatever reason, this was setting world spawn points with the method used prior to version 2.0. If you imported any worlds, I suggest unloading them and importing them again.
- The /universeteleport (/ut) command has been completely changed. Now, using this command will return you to your last known location in whichever world you pick. Location is saved whenever this command is executed, or when the new /universespawn command is used. If a user has not been to a world yet, this will take them to its spawn. A lot of people asked for this, and it wasn't really a hard feature to implement, so here it is.
- New /universespawn (/us) command. This does what /universeteleport used to do. It will take you to the spawn point of the specified world.
- With the new command comes a new permission.

Other Information and Known Bugs:
- Deleting or unloading a world will partially fail if a player is still in the world, allowing access to the world still that is incredibly broken and prone to errors and other issues. There are no checks in place to prevent this or move players to a different world. I did not have time to work on this for this update, and I will be very busy over the next few days. You can expect an update to fix this likely next week at some point.

----------, Feb 28, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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