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Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Uiverse-Ends and More
Hiya everyone! It's time for another big update. The last few updates have mostly been minor fixes and changes after the 2.0 update. And now we are on 3.0! Hard to believe we're here already in less only about half a year.

So, let's talk about what's in this update.

First, the new stuff:
- the create command can now be given a seed to generate with. (Check the overview page's command section for more info on how this works).
- There is now an option first join spawn option in the config as well as a command to set the location. (Please note that by default players will just go to the regular spawn if no first join spawn has been set.)
- Universe-Ends has finally been finished.
This has been something I've been planning for a while. With its inclusion, you are now able to make end worlds for each individual overworld. Check out the new section added in the overview about it to learn how it works.
- joinspawn.yml file added to store the first join spawn point

The stuff that's changed:
- Universe-Nethers teleport management.
This is a pretty big one. Various checks have been moved around in the code to fix a few odd bugs. Also, previously when nether-per-overworld was disabled, if a player entered a nether portal, they'd be taken back to whatever world they entered from when they exit. This is now optional.
- Library updates.
This one is entirely unnoticeable, but the internal libraries used for the coding for Universes and both add-ons have been updated to 1.15.2. These libraries are not compiled into the jars, so it won't be noticeable at all, but it means I see any newly deprecated methods I might be using so I can change them to better alternatives before they are removed from the libraries.
- the new usetspawn command has been added to the universehelp command.
- create command modified to allow for auto-generation of both nethers and ends if the add-on plugins are installed.

I think that's it. So, I hope you enjoy the new features! The code will be merged from the developer branch on github shortly.
----------, Feb 14, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,580
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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