Universes icon

Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

May Thou Speakest True to Thine Own Homeland
Hello all!

This is a fairly sizeable update, and took quite a bit of work. First the simple components:

- Order of checks for various commands has been fixed. Previously, some commands would display usage if a player without permission type the command with invalid or missing arguments.
- Permission check included in the reload command (which is an entirely useless command by the way, and will probably be removed in a future update)

Now the bigger, more important part of this update.

Universes now includes SPANISH!

There is now a config.yml file. To change the language to Spanish, simply open this file, change lang: to es, and save it. Then you will have to delete the currently existing world-settings.yml so it can regenerate all the options contain in the file in spanish. THIS WILL RESET ANY CHANGED SETTINGS! Worlds will load fine, but settings will be returned to their defaults. Once you've done that, simply restart or reload the server, and the plugin will be all in Spanish. (Special thanks to Wyros for his help with the translations).
----------, Jul 16, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
Find more info at discord.gg...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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