Universes icon

Universes -----

A multi-world plugin for 1.14+

Version: 5.0.1
1 - plugin does its job great
with it i can set up a hub without need of bungeecord
2 - author is always ready to help

Version: 4.2.1
This is a great plugin. Have some friends that stopped playing on my survival server since it was survival, and they prefer creative, and thanks to this I could add creative dimensions with separate inventory and everything.

But there is one issue I have. I can't select the default world or it's nether and end type with any commands, including the teleport command since their names have spaces in them. Is there a way around this, or do I need to change the world names for this to work?
Author's response
With enough searching, I might be able to figure something out, but generally, the syntax for world names has spaces replaced with underscores so that commands involving worlds or other similar things so that the arguments array post command preprocessing contains one argument for the world name input rather than multiple. This way, the programmers don't have to try to account for dozens of unlikely and frustrating corner cases that could break things.

Version: 4.2.1
Plugin is perfect, but only one thing i found idk if its a bug, it i put
Universes.Spawnify.spawn on default permission
they still cant use /hub? says has no permission.

Version: 4.2.1
The Plugin is amazing. quick and easy to use, config easy to read, setup easy to do, and no issues, errors or any huge bugs, and creator very active on helping resolve issues and updating to make sure bugs are all fixed. Would recommend for other server owners to use.

This plugin seems so promising and well put together in terms of organization, so it was pretty disappointing that when I tried to use it, creation/deletion functioned fine, but attempting to teleport to any new world just resulted in "And internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
This also happened with attempting to modify the world, though I did not test many other commands.

Is the plugin simply not fitted for 1.16.1+ yet, or could there be something else I'm missing/interference?
Author's response
This issue was resolved some time ago. I hope you will give my plugin a second chance.

Version: 4.2
Whenever I join the server it spawns me at the spawn of the world instead of where I last was. Is there any way to change it? Other than that the plugin is great and easy to use - I personally use it in conjunction with WorldMania for an excellent experience!

Version: 4.1.1
Everything is fine, but add the ability to disable portals and potions in a certain world. Because people can dupe items through the portal. And give yourself a creative bug, throwing a potion of "god" into yourself, then entering the ordinary world, then entering the creative world, removing the effects from yourself with milk, and in the ordinary world they get creative. Also, add so that the effects that were issued for example with the help of a potion were only in the world in which the player just used the potion on himself, because they apply to all worlds.
Author's response
How are players able to duplicate items? The duplication bug that was in vanilla was just fixed. As for effects, I can try to do that. I've never worked with them though, so it might be a little while. Also, you can disable a nether portal by removing the nether world if you have Universe-Nethers installed. In the future, please report bugs or request features in the discussion section so more back and forth conversation is possible.

Also, adding the ability to disable something like potions in a given world is not so simple. The best I can do is make it possible to block items in a given world like I have done with commands. It would be up to you to add the potions to the blocked list. It will take some time to get something working for this, because it's not a simple job.

Version: 4.1.1
I just downloaded "Universes" but I don't know how to edit groups.yml to group worlds. How? Is it




I can't find it on SpigotMC.org and groups.yml doesn't have any example

But anyway, great plugin.
Author's response
It's supposed to load in the default worlds automatically. I guess I messed that up. Groups should look like this:

group: "group name"

The world name, exactly as it appears on the /ul list and the folder, should be 0 spaces in, the word "group" should be two spaces in. I'm working on some other fixes right now, and I'll write an example into the file to avoid further confusion with this. I'm sorry you had trouble with this.

Version: 4.1.1
Been using this since my 1.15.2 server! However after making a new server from scratch on 1.16 im encountering a problem.

My new config only has "nether-per-overworld", whereas my old one had return players to previous world.

But even with Nether-Per-Overworld: true, the plugin doesnt create a new nether world with the basic world.
Author's response
Hm. In my testing, the nether was generated alongside the overworld. Perhaps I broke something while working on it. I'll have a look. As for the second config option, I removed it because it was no longer necessary. Before, there was no calculation for the overworld-nether distance ratio. Now there is, so the portal that brings you to the nether will bring you back to the portal you created in the overworld.

Version: 4.1.1
This is a truly excellent world management plugin, and I would highly recommend switching to it from Multiverse if you run a server on 1.15-1.16. It has all of the same functionality, less lag, and has none of Multiverse's bugs related to respawning and portals. 10/10!
Author's response
Thanks! I'm glad you like my plugin

Version: 4.1
This plugin look very promising!

It's a good alternative to Multiverse plugin (Multiverse has some bugs with ender / nether portals, and npc can't take nether portals in worlds that are not the main world).

The dev is also very reactive and the plugin maintained up to date.

Can't wait to have custom portals !
Author's response
Thank you

Version: 4.0
Noting to say, it's amazing!!
Author's response
Thank you.

Version: 3.2.2
What a great plugin, I use it for my survival server to make a creative map for players who don't want to play survival and inventory per world is insane for that but please add enderchest per world too ^^
You'r amazing !
Author's response
Ender chests are already part of the per world inventories. If you are having trouble with it, please reach out to me so I can help you figure it out.

Version: 3.2.2
So far, had no issues (1.15.2 PaperMC-260); However, missing functionality to teleport others from the console, or, create custom commands, as they are executed from the console, and "/ut" is only allowed as in-game command. Thanks, great plugin!
Author's response
/ut is only allowed in game because it teleports the user of the command. And console can't be teleported. And what is a custom command?

Version: 3.2.2
I downloaded this plugin a while back and installed it on my server. I've come to believe this was the most important decision that I've made for it.

Universes is lightweight, efficient, and self-consistent. Quite simply, it does a very good job of extending and integrating itself into the rules of Minecraft, not rewriting them. Most of what you already know still applies.

The developer has taken time to come out and investigate bugs and patch them out of the plugin. They're very dedicated to the plugin. Most of the bugs that I've witnessed have been patched out simultaneous to the discovery of those bugs.

Please, take the time to learn how to use this plugin. You won't regret it in the slightest. It's only uphill from here.
Author's response
Thank you very much.

Version: 3.2.2
don't let the cluttered overview discourage you, this plugin is solid. thank you for making something better than multiverse! multiverse is a lag machine, this seems very promising and runs much quicker.
Author's response
Thank you. Yeah, I ought to rewrite the overview page at some point. I'm working on a sort of wiki page for it on my website.

Version: 3.1
This is an amazing plugin, however no matter which commands I use I always spawn underneath the bedrock of the world, do you know how to fix this?
Author's response
This issue has now been fixed.

Version: 3.1
This plugin is a great replacement for the ever aging Multiverse. Simple and lightweight.

The DEV is quick to assist with any potential bugs or errors. Nice built-in in GUI for convient editing of worlds settings.
Author's response
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy using it.

Version: 3.0
sry 4 the bad English. I really love this plugin, You did a really good job, could you add the possibility to TP to other worlds using a sign, a portal or a villager ? Thx for all your hard work, good luck 4 the exam
Author's response
Hi! I'm glad you like my plugin. I can do sign teleports or villager teleports, but I'm still working out portal frames. So if I do add those, it won't be for a long time.

Version: 3.0
Great plugin. But I wonder if this plugin can get an addition feature like per world position features that remembers players' position when he leave the world and place him in where he leaves when he came back. thank you for your great plugin again!
Author's response
Actually, I'm working on that feature now along with some important bug fixes. Hopefully I can have it out by the end of next week.

Version: 2.1.2
Great plugin. Works exactly as needed. No hassle, no fuss, just learn the commands and go nuts. Unlike the previous reviewer mentioned, the plugin does provide you with the syntax...

Lightweight, doesn't seem to cause any lag. I appreciate the option to have multiple or one inventory between worlds.

I should not be using this on 1.12.2. I am. It works anyways.
In 1.12.2, I can't modify settings for each universe (I have no expectation that this should be fixed). However, I can still load, unload, import, delete, join, leave, whatever. Just goes to show that the plugin has surprising amounts of backwards compatibility.

I actually didn't read what version the plugin was for... given that I didn't even question that it might not be for 1.12 until I CHECKED, I think that's rather funny.

Perfect experience. I'll stick with this plugin.

Version: 2.1.1
this plugin is ass, its confusing and stupid, if you get a command wrong it just listed the fucking command instead of helping you, its lazy programming
Author's response
If you type a command wrong it shows you what items are supposed to be in the command so you can type it correctly. I believe in my documentation I wrote what each command can do. If you need help with something specific or need clarification please reach out to me. I'd be more than happy to help. It would be more useful if you told me what you think the plugin should display when something is typed wrong. Then I can work in what you are working for. As for your comment on it being confusing or stupid, the documentation clearly explains how each command works and what they do as well as all of the permissions. There is even a forty minute video that covers everything to assist with the more confusing parts of the plugin. I spent half of last summer developing the plugin and have worked on it intermittently throughout the fall and winter. I would not classify over 300 hours of work "lazy".

Again, if you need help, contact me either through a message here on SpigotMC or on my Discord which is provided in the documentation. If you message me here the response time will be a few hours, whereas on discord it most likely won't be more than half an hour so long as I am awake.

Version: Universes 2.0
great plugin, but is it possible to get an update for 1.15 ?
bc in 1.15 it doesn't work
Author's response
I just finished up my final exams for the first semester. I plan to do some work on it over my Christmas break to fix a few issues and support version 1.15. It may be a week or two, but there will be a 1.15 update for sure.

Version: Universes 2.0
So far loving this plugin. Thank you. Just starting out making my server and this was the easiest plugin to setup/use for world generation. Only thing i wish it would be able to do is remember where a player was when he left the world and bring him back there when he comes back. This could be a per-world option and could also maybe be a different command or overridden somehow to force a player back to map spawn point if wanted. Either way will keep using this plugin. Thank you again.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Remembering where a player was in a world is definitely something I can look into. How exactly it will end up working really depends on how I can confirm the code for the rest of the teleport event to work with it. Also, a world spawn command is definitely something I will add in. Honestly not sure why I didn't think of that myself.

Version: Universes 2.0
Can i retroactively connect a end world to another world and vice verse?
And can i make portals with this plugin?

I need a simple way for my kids to jump between worlds :D
Author's response
I haven't integrated the end worlds like I did with the Nethers. As for portals, unfortunately no. While I'd like to implement some type of portals, my attempts thus far at portal frame detection have been utter failures. So, until I figure out something that works, you'll have to use a different plugin for them. I reccomend Ancient Gates.

Version: 1.2.2
Excellent plugin for Survival worlds trying to add an extra layer of fun via creative, minigames, etc. Great developer as well!
Author's response
Thank you very much.

Version: 1.2.2
Great plugin! Works as it should running on Paper 1.14.4! Hopefully you can add per world inventory's eventually.
Author's response
Thanks! Actually, I just finished up adding the feature in earlier this afternoon. I have a few other things I am working on adding before I release the update though. But hopefully I can have it all done in the next week or so.

Version: 1.2.1
Great plugin that helps with multiple worlds. Just wish there was one inventory per world.
Author's response
I'm working on that now actually. I'm doing some practice work with inventories to make sure I know what I'm doing before I tried to implement the feature.

Version: 1.2.1
amazing plugin, works very well as an alternate to multiverse or multiworld, recommend to anyone!
Author's response

Version: 1.2.1
Great and lightweight alternative to plugins like Multiverse.

Being able to set gamerules per world is fantastic, and the /um command is pretty sweet, too. The documentation is also very well done. Would highly recommend! Only thing that would make it better is a "per-world inventory" system!
Author's response
Thanks! I could try adding something of the sort in a future update.

Version: 1.2
Great plugin from a great author ! Keep going your good work !
He helped me thats cool :d we need more people like him !

Version: 1.1
All perfect but if you create a nether type world and you build there or something, when you restart the server the nether type world created becomes a normal type world and the things you have done in the nether disappears.
Author's response
Hm...that shouldn't be happening. I will look into that and fix it.

Version: 1.0
Hello its working really well but have you though about option to teleport to the world?
Author's response
As a matter of fact, you can do that with /universeteleport or /ut

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8,585
First Release: Jun 6, 2019
Last Update: Jun 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
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